Russian shopping phrases. What do you need to know?

Russian shopping phrases. What do you need to know?

Russian shopping phrases. What do you need to know?

Russian shopping phrases, and what do you need to know? Talking to a salesperson in a non-self-service store can sometimes feel a little confusing, but practising key phrases by reading this dialogue will help you feel confident while shopping.

You’re going to listen to small talk. Line A is a speaker 1 and line B is a speaker 2.

Sometimes it can be quite difficult to express your thoughts while shopping and during a conversation with a salesperson in a store. After all, it is very important to know what phrases to use to order a product, answer the seller’s questions, and also ask how much you have to pay. This dialogue will help you learn all these useful words and expressions, after which you can easily shop at grocery stores.

The Russian shopping phrases will help you learn the typical phrases spoken by a salesperson in a non-self-service store (which are still quite common today) and how a customer expresses a desire to buy certain items. You’ll learn useful phrases such as “I can help you, take it” and you’ll also learn how to ask how much money you owe after completing a purchase. Also in the dialogue are the names of such basic products as juice, cheese and bread. Read the dialogue “Russian shopping phrases, but what do you need to know?” and the glossary.

Follow the facebook group for RFL learners and get updated once the new pages are done. Practice the dialogue and learn new phrases for ‘renting an apartment’ in the Russian language.

IMPORTANT! Click the ‘Hide/Show’ button for line A to hide them and listen to the dialogues again. After you can practice spelling. Type into each box of the lines A exactly what you hear in the audio file. Then click it back to check the dialogue ‘Russian shopping phrases. What do you need to know?’. You can compare your lines with the ones which are written above. Correct the mistakes and write down the necessary phrases for you.

Do the same thing with lines B. You can also check the translation of the small talk by pressing the green button ‘check’ under the dialogue. You can download the audio and practice it later again.


Хлеб - bread
Апельси́новый сок - orange juice
Сыр - cheese
Ско́лько - how much
С вас - from you, you have to pay


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Здра́вствуйте, чем я могу́ вам помо́чь?

Мне ну́жен хлеб, сыр и сок.
Како́й сок?

Апельси́новый, пожа́луйста.
Вот, возьми́те.

Ско́лько с меня́?
С вас 100 рубле́й.


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