Ordering food at the restaurant in the Russian language.

Ordering food at the restaurant

Ordering food at the restaurant in the Russian language. Short dialogue.

Ordering food at a restaurant in the Russian language, it’s not always so easy task. Sometimes it needs a special vocabulary to explain what you want. However, by practising the key phrases, you can learn a lot.

You’re going to listen to small talk. Line A is a speaker 1 and line B is a speaker 2.

Going to a restaurant is an event that happens to all people, and most likely there will be a conversation with a waiter or other staff. Therefore, in the dialogue, you will have the opportunity to learn all the necessary vocabulary regarding visiting a restaurant. For such a conversation, you need to know how to order a certain food, ask for a menu, and find out the details of the order, as well as the name of the dish that you liked. In this dialogue, you can learn various vocabulary that will help you ask the waiter for a menu, say that you are ready to order, as well as voice the names of the dishes that you would like to order. In our case, in the dialogue, you will learn how to say in Russian: tuna steak and vegetable salad.

Follow the facebook group to get updates of posted pages of the similar exercises. You can also learn some new vocabulary for shopping in the Russian language, following the link.

IMPORTANT! Click the ‘Hide/Show’ button for line A to hide them and listen to the dialogues again. After, you can practice spelling. Type into each box of the lines A exactly what you hear in the audio file. Then click it back to check. You can compare your lines with the ones which are written above. Correct the mistakes and write down the necessary phrases for you.

Do the same thing with lines B. You can also check the translation of the small talk by pressing the green button ‘check’ under the dialogue. You can download the audio and practice it later again.


Официа́нт - a waiter
Зака́з - an order
Стейк - a steak
Туне́ц - a tuna
Сала́т - a salad
О́вощи - vegetables
Блю́до - a dish
Гото́во - ready (cooked)


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До́брый ве́чер. Меня́ зову́т Дми́трий. Я ваш официа́нт на сего́дня.
До́брый ве́чер. Мы мо́жем получи́ть меню́?

Да, пожа́луйста.
Мы определи́лись с зака́зом.

Чего́ вы жела́ете?
Мы хоте́ли бы стейк из тунца́ и сала́т из овоще́й.

Ва́ше блю́до бу́дет гото́во че́рез 20 мину́т.
Хорошо́, спаси́бо.


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