Let’s talk about the weather in Russian Language

Let's talk about the weather in Russian Language

Let’s talk about the weather in the Russian Language. Short dialogue.

Everyone has a situation when the weather spoils everything. This short dialogue can help you with your future walks with your friends. However, by practicing the keyphrases, you can learn a lot.

You will not always have the opportunity to practice your communication skills with native speakers. It is this dialogue that should help you with your questions related to the weather. Everyone has situations when they need to get somewhere, but you don’t know the weather forecast. You can read the dialogue between two friends. You will be able to learn how to talk about your walk and learn necessary phrases that would help you. Also in the dialogue, you will practice the words about the weather,  that we use in our daily life. Read the dialogue “Let’s talk about the weather in the Russian Language” and the memorize glossary.



Follow the facebook for RFL learners to get updated once new pages are posted. You can also practice the useful phrases to how to argue in the Russian Language here.

You’re going to listen to small talk. Line A is a speaker 1 and line B is a speaker 2.


IMPORTANT! Click the ‘Hide/Show’ button for line A to hide them and listen to the dialogues again. After you can practice spelling. Type into each box of the lines A exactly what you hear in the audio file. Then click it back to check. You can compare your lines with the ones which are written above. Correct the mistakes and write down the necessary phrases for you.

Do the same thing with lines B. You can also check the translation of the small talk by pressing the green button ‘check’ under the dialogue. You can download the audio and practice it later again.


I'll just look at the weather forecast - Я просто посмотрю на прогноз погоды
rainy autumn - дождливая осень
The weather is fine tomorrow - Завтра будет хорошая погода
it's raining heavily today - сегодня идет сильный ливень
I completely forgot - я совсем забыл


Show / Hide A   Show / Hide B

A: Приве́т, Со́ня, как твои́ дела́ ?
B: Приве́т, Ли́за, мои́ хорошо́, а твои́ как ?

A: Мои́ дела́ то́же хорошо́, ты не хо́чешь встре́титься сего́дня, погуля́ем по па́рку ?
B: Хоро́шая иде́я, сейча́с то́лько посмотрю́ прогно́з пого́ды.

A: Коне́чно, я совсе́м забы́ла что сейча́с о́чень дождли́вая о́сень.
B: К сожале́нию, у нас не полу́чится прогуля́ться по па́рку, сего́дня си́льный ли́вень.

A: А что насчёт за́втра ?
B: За́втра пого́да отли́чная.

A: Встре́тимся тогда́ за́втра в па́рке ?
B: Да, э́то хоро́шая иде́я.

A: До за́втра, подру́га !
B: Уви́димся !


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