Did St. Nicholas come to you ?

Did St. Nicholas come to you ?

“Did St. Nicholas come to you ?” in the Russian Language. Short dialogue.

We were all children. Every year we look forward to Christmas and Christmas holidays with great impatience. This short dialogue “Did St. Nicholas come to you ?” can help you with your future talks about your holidays. Everyone wants to have a glorious holiday. However, by practicing the keyphrases, you can learn a lot, because:

You will not always have the opportunity to practice your communication skills with native speakers. It is this dialogue that should help you with your questions about St. Nicholas day. You can read the dialogue between the mother and her son. Also in the dialogue, you will practice the words about the presents and holidays that we use in our daily life. Read the dialogue “Did St. Nicholas come to you ?” and the memorize glossary.

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You’re going to listen to small talk. Line A is a speaker 1 and line B is a speaker 2.


IMPORTANT! Click the ‘Hide/Show’ button for line A to hide them and listen to the dialogues again. After you can practice spelling. Type into each box of the lines A exactly what you hear in the audio file. Then click it back to check. You can compare your lines with the ones which are written above. Correct the mistakes and write down the necessary phrases for you.

Do the same thing with lines B. You can also check the translation of the small talk by pressing the green button ‘check’ under the dialogue. You can download the audio and practice it later again.


До́брое у́тро - Good morning
Как твои́ дела́ ? - How are you doing?
Cвято́й Никола́й - St. Nicholas
ку́чу конфе́т - a bunch of sweets
маши́нки - cars
я о́чень рад! - I'm very happy!


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A: До́брое у́тро, сыно́к. Как твои́ дела́ ?
B: До́брое у́тро, ма́ма, ко мне приходи́л Cвято́й Никола́й.

A: Ва́у, сыно́к, и что же он тебе́ принёс ? Он получи́л твоё письмо́ ?
B: Да, получи́л. Он подари́л всё как я и проси́л.

A: И что же ты проси́л ?
B: Я проси́л ку́чу конфе́т и маши́нки. Он всё принёс, я о́чень рад!

A: А я ра́да за тебя́, сыно́чек.
B: Спаси́бо, ма́ма.


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