Conversation about Christmas in Russian.

Christmas tree

Conversation about Christmas in the Russian language. Short dialogue.

Conversation about Christmas in the Russian language has a lot of interesting festive vocabulary. You can use new words in your own dialogues with friends!

You can also learn more about Orthodox Christmas here.

You’re going to listen to small talk. Line A is a speaker 1 and line B is a speaker 2.

Christmas is undoubtedly one of the most magical days of the year. You will definitely want to discuss it with your friends and in this dialogue you will learn how to do it in Russian. Here you can learn words like: celebration, Christmas, Christmas tree, holiday and decoration.

The dialogue features a conversation between two people discussing their plans for Christmas. Tanya talks about what she will celebrate with her family since Christmas is a family holiday. She also talks about how she prepares the house for Christmas. At the end, the characters wish each other a Merry Christmas. And you can also use this phrase while you congratulate your friends and loved ones!

IMPORTANT! Click the ‘Hide/Show’ button for line A to hide them and listen to the dialogues again. After you can practice spelling. Type into each box of the lines A exactly what you hear in the audio file. Then click it back to check. You can compare your lines with the ones which are written above. Correct the mistakes and write down the necessary phrases for you.

Do the same thing with lines B. You can also check the translation of the small talk by pressing the green button ‘check’ under the dialogue. You can download the audio and practice it later again.


Пра́зднование - [praznovaniye] - a celebration
Рождество - [rajdestvo] - Christmas
Пра́здник - [praznik] - a holiday
Ёлка - [yolka] - a Christmas tree
Укра́сить - [ukrasit’] - to decorate
Пра́здничный - [praznichniy] - festive (adj)
Увлека́тельный - [uvlekatel’niy] - exciting


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Приве́т, Та́ня! Как у тебя́ дела́?
Приве́т! У меня́ всё хорошо́. Я гото́влюсь к пра́зднованию Рождества́

Где и с кем ты собира́ешься пра́здновать?
Я бу́ду до́ма с семьёй, ведь э́то са́мый ва́жный семе́йный пра́здник в году́

Как вы гото́витесь к пра́зднику?
Мы наряди́ли ёлку и укра́сили дом, а так же соста́вили пра́здничное меню́.

Э́то о́чень увлека́тельные заня́тия. Счастли́вого Рождества́ ва́шей семье́!
Счастли́вого Рождества́ и тебе́!


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